3. Beast – really cool. Hunky-dory. Shall I get his number?” 2. Daft Tenner. The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. Understanding Casual British: 18 Essential UK Slang Words for … That’s why she doesn’t have friends because she’s too golden. The phrase can be used in a myriad of ways and context is everything. Literal term for the end of a penis, but also a way to call someone a jerk or idiot, “He is such a bellend.”. 15+ Slang Words For Woman (And Other Related Slang) In American English, “fag” is a derogatory (insulting or mean) term for someone who is gay. Though some are seldom used of late, they still ring true with the locals. Gobsmacked. For instance, learning these words is something you ought to do before embarking on your trip to London. 1950s Slang Words and Phrases Worth Remembering Hey, Bae! 10 Teen Slang Phrases That Are Super Popular A shortened form of brother meaning friend, much like ‘bro, “Nice one, bruv.”. Traffic GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY. Fit (adj) So, in the UK fit doesn’t just mean that you go to the gym a lot. This dictionary of British slang includes popular words and phrases that you might hear in the UK and will help you with your own spoken English. Ace – is used to describe something that is awesome. A word that is popular in the north and amongst youngsters. Any road – when you hear this, the person isn’t asking you to pick a road! Slang words for attractive female | Urban Thesaurus | The Online … So from this list and info graphics, Parents need to know the trends in 2020 for Teen Slang Terms to Keep an Eye on. So someone or a woman who is mean or malicious. Slang words for attractive person | Urban Thesaurus | The Online … “I’m going outside for a fag.”. Cheers. bada** - a tough guy. British Slang That Will Confuse Anybody Who Didn't Grow up in … 20 Common British Slang Words 1. Interpretation: A way of expressing surprise, amazement, or even wonder. One of the best British slang phrases and I use this one oodles, possibly on purpose to add a British flavour to my rhetoric. 15+ Slang Words For Pretty (And How To Use Them) Fag. It’s used pretty commonly and isn’t really favored by one particular gender or social group. More likely, a person who has a very strong interest, perhaps a bit obsessive, in niche subjects. British slang words & phrases | Oxford International English Wanker – Idiot 7. Due to the way the algorithm … Can also mean to pass something with flying colors. It’s a dismissive word used paint an argument or other notion as being completely worthless. Just like on point, this slang term is another way to describe something nearly close to perfection, especially, of course, in the eyes of … Knackered: tired, but very. Babe is noun used to describe a very beautiful woman (or in rare cases, a man). It’s to the same degree as gorgeous, but it’s definitely not as common as it used to be. You’ll certainly see a lot of pop cultural references though in old movies and songs. LTR: An acronym for “long-term relationship”. This list may not reflect recent changes . She always sticks to herself and has a strong hold for her beliefs. Ackee – the playground game of tag. 2. 9 Essential British Slang Words to Learn Before your Trip Fancy can be used sarcastically, too, to poke fun at people who think that they're above average. Italian Guido GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY. 28 British Slang Terms You Should Know | Mental Floss i.e. Quack – is slang for a doctor that is suspected of not have the correct qualifications Queen mum – is Cockney rhyming slang for the backside (bum). Example: Emma Watson is a celebrated actress, outstanding Ivy League student, and a brave feminist. Gobby. … 13 British Slang Words That'll Make You Want To Hop Across The … Bellend. I just threw in an extra slang term for free. Has natural beauty, doesn’t get involved in drama or clout chase. Cougar . Lad In the same vein as “bloke,” “lad” is used, however, for boys and younger men. Bruv/Bruva. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. It's trousers. Discover short videos related to british girl slang on TikTok. 30+ Must-Know British Slang Words and Phrases | Grand … Bovvered – verb describing a lack of interest. However, a “do” can also be used to refer to a social gathering. Get the Pretty Girl mug. "pretty girl" -- noun -- the sweet scent left on a piece of clothing you've leant to a girl. Hi, Pretty Girl! What's up? Get the Pretty Girl mug. Current Teenage Slang Words 2022 | Gen Z Slang Word List 0121 – used to tell someone to get lost: “0121 do one”. Urban Thesaurus - Find Synonyms for Slang Words Thanks Hugh and Martine. 17 British Slang Words and Phrases Most Americans Don't … Tosser – Idiot 2. I do think that most Americans cottoned on this word a while ago as being very British. Bespoke – Custom Made 9. Cuppa. Tara-a-bit. Last edited on Aug 29 2002. A. Alpha mom; Angry black woman ; B. (Noun) A British slang for a young girl or lady, especially one's girlfriend. Gutted – Devastated 8. 30. 2. Bell-end – n – The end of the male genitalia. A fun little piece of British slang that means a situation is cool, okay, or normal. Quid – is slang for one-pound sterling. It can also mean worn-out … On Fleek. Well OK, just a few cheeky drinks.”. 4. It’s taking unnecessary time over something that should be straightforward. A Completely Unserious Guide to British Street Slang The word “skint” has a unique British meaning to mean having no money. Slang word(s) for pretty? (pretty slang synonyms) - English … Hank Marvin is a British musician from the 1960s and 1970s, and is a pretty obscure reference nowadays. For example, ‘Jenny is ace at the lab experiments’, or, for the latter definition, ‘I think I aced that exam’. See more words with the same meaning: flirting, hit on, pimp, player, wing-man. While most people associate this … Gutted. Meaning: (Expression) As if prettiness was put on a scale, being “10 out of 10” is to represent perfection. Slang is informal language sometimes peculiar to a particular social class or group and … Someone told me that cast members used it in Love, Actually, and that’s when they fell in love with it. 12 Things British People Call Each Other | Christopher Fowler What are all the ways the British use the word "lovely"? Especially ... See more words with the same meaning: attractive person (either gender). These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. Gobsmacked. It means above the ordinary. 50 Must-Know British Slang Words and Phrases 1. 5. Easy peasy If something is not difficult then it is loudly pronounced as being easy peasy. 3. As in, ‘that outfit is beast.’. Bap: a bread roll. 30+ Must-Know British Slang Words and Phrases Anorak. Bean – n – 1. bird dog - someone who tries to steal your girlfriend. See more words with the same meaning: friend, friends. – representing oneself, bigging yourself up. Bare – a lot of something. Meaning: (Noun) The winner of a beauty pageant. Brap! Interpretation: A geek or nerd. As in, ‘I ain’t bovvered.’. Example: He broke the hearts of too many birds when he moved to the US to marry his American girlfriend. British Slang Words and Phrases - Tandem 1. adj. Note the use of “man” in the singular to mean “men” or even “people”. On you go, mate. 25. 20 of the Most Common British Slang Words Example: Chandler Bing’s mom in the show was a beautiful cougar that had relations with his friend. 50 Awesome British Slang Terms You Should Start Using … Cuppa comes from the phrase “cup of.”. Meaning: being completely clueless, very stupid or foolish. She’s a 10 out of 10. So, if you have a fancy car, it may be ugly and it may not, but it's certainly expensive. I can’t be fucked with her.”. Meaning: amazed or in awe of something, astounded, flabbergasted. Barm: a bread roll. Bonkers Not necessarily intended in a bad way, "bonkers" means “mad” or “crazy.” 4. Lost the Plot – Gone Crazy 13. Girl 2: Wow, thanks! During WWII the average age of an RAF pilot was 19 and they were often drawn from the upper classes. 4. Blokes in pubs still truncate friends’ names to their RAF names to denote ‘posh pal’, particularly if you’re … An ecstasy pill 2. Perhaps you are thinking “do” is a verb in this context. In British slang, however, it just means a cigarette. Dowager. Cock-up – Screw up 3. A strange but surprisingly popular term in British slang. No, you can’t do that. a single pill of drugs. 26. Baby mama; Becky (slang) Betel nut beauty; Bimbo; Bitch (slang) Black American princess; Bobby soxer (music) Bombshell (slang) Boseulachi; Butch (lesbian slang) Butch and femme; C. Cock tease; … The female clitoris. He’s absolutely gutted.’. As in: I just felt so gormless reading the latest Jonathan Franzen book. Bloody – Damn 4. Bangin‘ – good. 5. While Brits are known to be polite, with their stiff upper lips, they are also experts at swearing. *Banging (bangin’) (adj) (Banging) is an informal but popular slang expression meaning sexy or hot when describing a person (mainly used to describe women), but can also mean that something is awesome (non-sexual). 31. curtain climbers - small children. 75 British Slang Words And Their Meanings “Hey mate could you lend me a tenner”. Swearing is used as much when one is happy as when one is annoyed. As in: Never not gobsmacked by everything Beyoncé does. Baps – n – Another name for a woman’s breasts. LOML: An acronym for “love of my life”. Faff Faffing around is a very British pleasure. This guide to Brummie slang should help you out. Blimey! circled - married. 100 Brilliantly British Slang Words and Phrases - Wix.com Bloke “Bloke” would be the American English equivalent of “dude.” It means a "man." Blimey. 5. Pages in category "Slang terms for women" The following 58 pages are in this category, out of 58 total. You can’t just walk up to your lady boss and say, what a bitch you are! Your hair and makeup are always so on point! 2. Queenie – affectionate term Brits use to refer to Queen Elizabeth II (the current Queen) Quasimodo – is Cockney rhyming slang for soda water. Here’s an example: Girl 1: OMG! Biffo, Pongo, Spotty etc. 6. List of British Slang Words - bangsorted.com Top definition. pretty girl. A very attractive girl, often found at Keg Parties, that all males cannot help but hit on because of her immense beauty. Often is under ridicule from a nearby Dirty Cow who is jealous because that fatty's boyfriend and/or exboyfriend obviously wants the pretty girl. Give You A Bell – Call you 5. Sod Off – Piss off 12. 30 Awesome British Slang Terms | Just English Top 100 Most Beautiful British Slang Words and Phrases – Guide … Do. All To Pot The origins of the word are tied to the 13th century Catholic church running a campaign againsts some alleged sexual deviants, using the … In use: "Ugh, mum, I don't want to take Ralph to the pub, he's such an anorak." Yeah, you can call such women bitchy. – My Goodness 6. It means “A ten-pound note.”. “That’s a barmy … Mora: A spanish slang term for girlfriend. Example: The … Barmy Crazy. Beauty Queen. Fancy doesn't exactly work as a slang word for pretty. Meaning: (Noun) A seductive woman who is also older or is middle-aged. Fancy – Like 11. 3. “Hell’s bloody bells, that’s bloody marvellous!” would be a display of great happiness, not rudeness. dreamboat - a really cute guy. Blud/Blad – brother, friend. 04. If something is exceptionally good it is known as the dog’s bollocks. Adam Sandler and Idina Menzel challenge each other’s knowledge of teenage slang. Goomar: A girlfriend of a married mobster (not his wife). Gormless. 25 Typical British Slang Words that Every English Learner Should … Urban Dictionary: pretty girl For example, ‘His girlfriend broke up with him. So bitchy is a slang term used for a woman who is very mean and a little malicious. Beef – a hostility between two people that usually results in violence. British Insults, Slang & Phrases: The Ultimate Guide Submitted by Jonny S. from Lorain, OH, USA on Aug 29 2002 . that can be … To be ‘gutted’ about a situation means to be devastated and saddened. bash ears - talk too much. Chuffed – Proud 10. Let’s move on to another term which is, bubbly. Slang Words for Pretty (in Alphabetical Order) 10 Out of 10. 100+ British slang words and expressions to knock your socks off Anglotopia’s Top 100 Favorite British Slang Words and Phrases 1. British catch-all with profane connotations, including sodomy. Fit is a way of saying that a person is attractive, or sexy. British slang is English-language slang originating from and used in the United Kingdom and also used to a limited extent in Anglophone countries such as Ireland, South Africa, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, especially by British expatriates.It is also used in the United States to a limited extent. 2. verb. “That guy is sooo fit. back seat bingo - making out in the back seat of a car. 75 Ways to Say Beautiful: Synonyms, Slang, and Collocations ‘Gutted’ – a British slang term that is one of the saddest on the lists in terms of pure contextual emotion. “That girl is long, man. In American English, you'd probably … “There were bare man at the rave”. A widely applicable descriptor of negative connotation; a nuisance. Slang Words used ONLY to describe Women & Girls - Learnex dishy - attractive, beautiful, pretty doddle - a cinch, easy dodgy - not to be trusted, questionable fit - attractive or sexy knackered - tired peanuts - cheap pissed - drunk posh - high class, upper class poppycock - nonsense rubbish - nonsense, untrue skint - having no money smart - well dressed starkers - naked Other than those three major currency slang words, though, dealing with money is pretty self explanatory. Here’s an example: He claimed he was late because of the train, but I know that’s complete rubbish. Watch popular content from the following creators: Willypoo(@willuzi), How To British(@how_to_british), English with Parker(@englishwithparker), memes(@uk.memes05), KidWithABuzzCut(@kidwithabuzzcut), That British Girl(@thejordanagrace), Mannequin(@bennymannequin), H (@ukdrill_quotes07), Davide … Rucca: Spanish term for girlfriend. Belisha Beacons – n – The yellow flashing lights at a pedestrian crossing in the UK but can also be used to refer to a women’s breasts. Skint. 1 Answer1. British Slang Terms » Slang.org Beat the bishop – v – To masturbate. A Comprehensive Guide to Brummie Slang - Culture Trip This slang term for a ten-pound note is derived from the word “tenner,” meaning 10 pence, which was used in British currency before decimalization. 03. Marvin played guitar in Cliff Richard's backing band in the 1960s. Kecks: a bread rol—hang on, no, trousers. The word can be used affectionately tease someone, but also to berate in a more negative tone. Loo (noun) Fun and Harmless Teenage Slang are good but hurtful and personality destructive slang phrases should be checked. A Very Funny and Quick Guide to London Slang - Culture Trip Brit Slang: British Slang in the Bedroom – Big List of 71 British ... Note that this thesaurus is not in any way affiliated with Urban Dictionary. She’s just straight up alias and her vibe is different. Discover british girl slang 's popular videos | TikTok Show activity on this post. dolly - a cute girl. ‘Ace’ – a British slang term that means something that is brilliant or excellent. E.g. Category:Slang terms for women - Wikipedia 100+ Smashing British Slang Words and Terms to Know British slang - Wikipedia Bare Used mostly in London to mean "a lot of". Here’s a list of “pet names” or “terms of endearment”: cute nicknames for a girlfriend: Cuddlemuffin. British Slang: From Gobsmacked to Buggered - PureWow Livery Street is ridiculously long. This one should be pretty easy to figure out. A stronger British slang word (NSFW!) arm candy – astronaut's wife – babe – bad kitty – bbw – benjamin – betty – bird – booth babe – box – breezy – burger – butterface – butter face – butterhead – chiquita banana – cougar – decent rita – dime – dime piece – dish – doll – feedbag material – gilf – good sort – heina – hot ma' – hunny – karena – lolita – ma – mami – mif – milf – … It comes from the verb bang, which means to hit hard, and can also be a synonym for “to have sex.” Lovely is as ambiguous as love.. As an interjection lovely can be used pretty much interchangeably with great, but emphasizes the positive emotion which it engenders in the recipient, rather than the greatness of the objective result.That also rules out its use in many situations where the right, proper, or dutiful thing is done (which can make it great) but where … A face as long as Livery Street – a really sad face. Slang for Girlfriend – Slangpedia