duskwood jake and mc fanfiction

Waiting for episode 9 :) Sometimes I want to scream, but, of course, I can't afford something like that. For a second, i thought he would bring back Jake, but he didn't. « Just. Jake x MC. Nala Raines — Chapter 1 Reminiscing "Without Jake, we won't get anywhere!" "MC-" . Contains swearing. "Yes, they must be looking for you," he considers. duskwood library man without a face duskwood m.list romance club m.list ao3. Jake sighed, reminded her, and told her everything she wanted to know. ⚠️ EPISODE 9 SPOILER ⚠️. 7 notes May 19th, 2022. Jake's POV Descendants of Despair - Part 1. Hacker | Duskwood Wiki | Fandom Can we talk a bit more? Apart from anything else. - Tumblr A community to discuss the Duskwood mobile game, and the mystery within. "Welcome to the Bar Aurora, Duskwood Celebrity" he said with a grin. This time requested by the lovely @amelia-bluebell-rw47vr.You can read the request HERE.Wow, I'm so productive this week. Genre: Hurt/Comfort, friendship/romance Words: 5,100 Summary: You don't know if it was really written in the stars that both you and Jake are soulmates. vc é meu oxigenio áudio 8d. 26 notes. caso se inspirem, deixem os créditos!! Duskwood Fanfiction Masterlist (Click here for Fanart) Haunted by the Past Chapter List HbtP Stand Alone: The Island Part 1Part 2 Genre: Fluffy fluff romance Jake X MC Serial Connection First 123456 Final Genre: action, dark comedy, twisted Jake X fem!MWAF romance 16+ rating. Jest dziewczyną Thomasa, a także siostrą Lily i przyrodnią siostrą Jake'a. Hannah jest średniego wzrostu brunetką o brązowych oczach. That was so his style. Duskwood (Everbyte Video Game) - Works - Archive of Our Own Like, I don't know… "Hey! Adrian Raines x Nala August (MC) Summary: Few months after Rheya's defeat, Lily's death, and telling the world the truth, Nala is both proud of Adrian for running for the Senate, and she's terrified of what their future may hold. Unbetitelt - annademenz.tumblr.com I jumped the first time Jake's fingers ran through what was left of my hair. duskwood duskwood everbyte duskwood jake everbyte jake x mc duskwood fanart duskwood fanfiction duskwood memes incorrect duskwood quotes lol. After much searching,many tears and difficult challenges,they finally managed to find Hannah. You wouldn't lie, Jake was a major factor in your decision in coming to Duskwood. The danger of being caught for him. Jake sighed, looking at the messages, reminding himself that any revelations, even the smallest grains of information are dangerous. Hii, everyone! Jake is a male character who made his first appearance as Jake on the third episode of Duskwood. JAKE LOML : Duskwood 25 notes May 20th, 2022. Podczas całego śledztwa dowiadujemy się, że Hannah w pewnym momencie swojego dzieciństwa przeprowadziła się . Jake x MC. 52 notes. request fic duskwood duskwood everbyte duskwood fanfiction duskwood mc duskwood jake duskwood jake x mc duskwood fanfic. Its most recent material, after all, dates from the spring of 2012, when Putin began to pick on the gays and build an atavistic international political coalition. Duskwood/Twilight lover Contains a fair amount of swearing, violence, depictions of death. Open in app; Facebook; Tweet; Reddit; Mail; Embed; Permalink ; After long time finally posting back on- i deleted the last duskwood fanfiction i wrote but these on is kind of take . As he applied the black dye to my hair, I started to relax. JakexMC | Archive of Our Own Jake: I did not. Go to Hannah. I wanted to try Ghibli style. He sounds stupid. Warning : MAKE SURE TO HAVE COMPLETED THE GAME UNTIL THE VERY END (Chapter 8) FOR NO ⚠️SPOILERS⚠️!! And Jake. "They"/" Their avatars" = about developers. Simply put, things aren't going too well. The features of his face were fine and mild. Because once appearing in Jake's life, MC refused to leave. Дасквуд 01040 пароль загадка джейка MC : No comment . But sometimes, Jake feels as if he has to protect MC because of what he does. Duskwood - Jake x Reader - Chapter One: "Out of routine" Public class FanficDuskwood. . 598 notes. He still needs to hide, constantly run, clean up all traces of his existence because of a stupid mistake. Your shaking fingers go to open the chat::(Jake. private int wordCount = 2257;. Funny Me. Note: Much of this fictional backstory is improbable but was needed to give depth to the MC character (intelligence, street smarts/survival skills, manipulation and trust issues) - to make her reactions more understandable and leads on to explain other details later. Jake x MC/Duskwood | Archive of Our Own . I swear, I thought you said MC got the food, not Jake. in Episode 1 and 2 of the game. Hannah Donfort to główna zaginiona w grze Duskwood. !Hope you're all doing fine ️So this is a Jake x Fem!MC Part 3 request by dear @do-you-need-a-hacker.A sequel that I didn't expect for this anon request <3(dear anon ,I hope you see this)And sorry for the mistakes,I hope I won't disappoint you with this fic,and the story went somewhere to somewhere . Warning : MAKE SURE TO HAVE COMPLETED THE GAME UNTIL THE VERY END (Chapter 8) FOR NO ⚠️SPOILERS⚠️!! But seriously, I can't even bother with the background. Duskwood - JakexMC fanfic part 1. Duskwood FanGirl :) — JEALOUS MC: There's a bit of a problem. I rolled my eyes at the way he welcomed me. "I promise, Jake" _____ "Don't worry, I won't go to Duskwood" "Promise me,MC." "I promise,Jake" This conversation with MC brought back the dreadful day about how his mom promised him but never returned to take him back.That left a deep unhealed scar in his heart. Jake and MC headcannons. Newest Obsession - duskwoodsleuth.tumblr.com Jake 4 new messages. » He hummed before standing up, and at first, i thought he had finally left me alone. His and hers. Hey Jake, I love you. "Well it's not a present per se. Click for better view. Schwab, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue // Halsey, Angel on Fire // Steve Salo, Forgotten Art // Halsey, Angel on Fire // Sarah Thebarge, The Invisible Girls // Mitski, Working for the Knife // Artwork by @/bekysfairy on ig // Octavio Paz, tr. Descubra vídeos curtos sobre duskwoodfanfic no TikTok. Assista a conteúdos populares dos seguintes criadores: lets(@ccmdusk), gih namorada do jake(@gihdojake), lets(@ccmdusk), duskwood_brazil(@duskwood_brazil), :)(@dusk___w00d), duskwood(@jake.me.namora), Viih<3(@central.duskwood), gih namorada do jake(@gihdojake), V :)(@mechamov), gih namorada do jake(@gihdojake). Explore os vídeos mais . W międzyczasie Jake stał się hackerem poszukiwanym przez rząd, w wyniku czego musiał zacząć się ukrywać po motelach. Duskwood Jake x OC 24 parts Ongoing Mature This story takes place small in a small town named duskwood, a young collage student from out of to. Watching the flickering of the screen was becoming tedious, so I found my thoughts drifting. His ocean eyes sparkling despite the black circles surrounding them by the lack of sleep. You lifted your head up and gave Jake a playful slap on his chest, "You didn't!". Jake: Uhm. True to its name, the area seemed to be in constant night, making it the perfect place to hide. Junto com um hacker e um grupo de amigos , {s/n} tenta desvendar o desaparecimento de Hannah donfort. Danny Castillones Sillada, Those Sweet and Painful Memories // Artwork by @/zhihuie on twitter // V.E. English is not my first language."); Duskwood - Afterstory 11 parts Complete Mature A week after Hannah Danford has been found and brought back home safe, Jake decides to visit Duskwo. Mots : 29 with Jake please? Duskwood Stories - Wattpad I Am Game. cuantas canciones te sabes anitta. Jake: I hear you wanted to ask me one question. Descubra vídeos populares sobre duskwoodfanfic | TikTok With You, a misc. games fanfic | FanFiction Public FanficDuskwood(){. He put one in front of me, on the table, keeping his in hands. I trust you too. Only you. Don't ever forget that. — ⚠️EPISODE 9 SPOILER⚠️ I don't even. #duskwood jake x mc on Tumblr : Hey! I really like your headcanons and I was... - Tumblr Jake: Wow. I got to Duskwood just a week ago,my mission is to find Hannah and return her to her friends and family safely,I knew it wouldn't be easy but what I didn't know was that it would be this hard,and without Jake it's even harder,he gave me a lot of useful informations which I could use but now I'm totally lost the only one who's giving me strength to go on,to keep looking . Goooooood morning, good afternoon, good evening!!! . Sem título I don't want to redo. Well. She promised Jake, the mysterious hacker who occupies her thoughts more than she'd ever admit, that she would stay far away from Duskwood. But everything seems to change . When we were young by blue__petals Fandoms: Duskwood (Everbyte Video Game) . Jake: Well. Duskwood Legends [English Version] 19 parts Ongoing a cara da brita sendo traida. Duskwood Daliance, a warcraft fanfic | FanFiction Leave me alone. Atualizada em 14/04/2022 18:12. duskwood mc duskwood duskwood family duskwood everbyte duskwood fandom duskwood fanart love y'all <33 <33. Liv didn't think the patrols would investigate this far away from Darkshire, but she had the door bolted and the two windows shuttered just in case. 11 notes May 22nd, 2022. Cherry. MC: You asked if I have a boyfriend. It's not the same anymore - Chapter 3 - Loveless_Sky - Duskwood ... duskwood mc duskwood duskwood jake jake donfort duskwood memes hannah donfort duskwood phil duskwood player duskwood richy duskwood cleo duskwood thomas duskwood thoughts duskwood dan duskwood jessy everbyte studios everbyte game duskwood everbyte. where Cassia (MC) and Jake meet Phil for the first time. Language: English Words: 2,725 . He just looked so… Perfect. Bye bye. (I don't own the pictures, I just made the collage. Imagine Duskwood. Jake is online Jake is offline Jake is online. Nini Duskwood. WouldDuskwood : Descendants of Despair Part 11 Duskwood - JakexMC... Fair. He smirked as he started to make a drink. Duskwood Theories - detectivedonut.tumblr.com A recount of the events in Duskwood through Jake's eyes. Contains swearing. duskwood fanfic hsr. {s/n} é uma advogada de Berlim, que por acaso do destino, foi a única pista deixada por uma garota desaparecida. His name was ??? well... how did you like it? — Masterlist Duskwood Just say that! Fanfic inspirada no jogo duskwood, a partir do episódio 8, tudo aqui é a base de teorias e especulações. . Jake: See! The key word for these thoughts is gonna be: cars lol (you'll understand later ) Masterlist post - The hole to the wonderworld Reddit; Mail; Embed; Permalink ; . Читать дальше # duskwood # duskwood fanfic Summer has a gang where they're running away from the government. I am back with another fanart! Shooky :) I'm not even lying. public static Mc mc;. Jake: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Jake was not mentally prepared to see a picture of a brick wall taken from an apartment. He is called "hacker" by the other characters at the game. What? — My dear Ameliaaaaa No need to thank me, you've... It's basically the same. Bardzo zaangażował się w szukanie swojej przyrodniej siostry. Key to your heart is Jake (I don't own the gif) Hello lovelies! You know, your sister was found in the woods, it seems a little dumb to me to bring us where she was found. Duskwood - JakexMC fanfic. Anonymous. If i didn't mention anything , you can message me . Jake is now a free man, but he. After the two of them returned home safely, you didn't see the issue in coming to Duskwood yourself. Plot : MC finds Jake after traveling for three days. duskwoodraven. I have severe period pain right now and it made me think what Jake would react like when the Mc is on her period. klaus and his father sad. Iniciado em 30/01/2021 20:06. At this point, Jake was convinced they were trying to just get to him in hopes MC would turn Jake in, but MC would never. lista de fanfic jake duskwood. 43 notes. "Yes Jake, and it's not safe for anyone around, what's your point?" you approached, and your eyes meet "You promised me you wouldn't come here" so this was the main reason "You promised me that my friends would be safe" you countered "And now Richy is missing" And don't worry, angel, you're perfect! duskwood memes duskwood everbyte duskwood duskwood jake duskwood fanart iamjake. Jake: .justifiable. Duskwood. (When Jake becomes overprotective) Jake and MC have a really balanced relationship. They knew I had gone to Michael Hanson's house,". 15.1k . I'm going to Duskwood this weekend. Genre - fluff / something like teasing and humour . His touch gave me goosebumps all over. And maybe, just maybe, she would meet the only person she hoped to meet at last. But if it really is, then destiny must have been playing with the most screwed-up clusterfuck of stars when they wrote Jake's and your fates. História Imagine Duskwood - História escrita por 01040_A - Spirit ... Jake and MC headcannons - It's all lies, darling Jake : MC : (damn boi, you jealous) The 3rd panel background was from True Beauty manhwa btw. Would he be a total expert and know what to do or would he be a . Jake/MC; Jake/OFC; Jake; Original Female Character(s) Duskwood; duskwoodjake; duskwoodjakexmc; duskwoodfanfiction; Fanfiction; Summary. JakexFeMC - Duskwood fanfics ️ ️ - Wattpad Huft.. JessyxMaleMC. This is based on that one conversation in episode 8 when we were blessed with jealous Jake. Hannah | Duskwood Wiki | Fandom Are you sure you want to know? - duskwood-jake.tumblr.com MC: You were hitting on me. Whatever. He's really smart, actually. Open in app; Facebook; Tweet; Reddit; Mail; BTS ~ Duskwood — Duskwood Jake x MC Plot : MC finds Jake after... I love you!" MC: I guess you're right. After all, the threat was gone, and you would be able to spend time with not only your friends, but also with Hannah. Untitled [welldilly.tumblr.com] Would he be a total expert and know what to do or would he be a . Last update: February 15th - 2021 [[MORE]]Posts about DuskwoodJake's. 5 notes May 17th, 2022. My hacker - Duskwood. DuskwoodCrow : Hey i know you are probably busy but can you do a... duskwood fanfiction duskwood ocs love y'all <33 <33. . mc = new Mc ("put your name here"); public static String chapterOne = "Out of routine";. The danger of becoming a tool in the hands of his pursuers for her. His dark messy hair falling loosely over his sweet face. Escrita por: 01040_A. Descendants of Despair Part 11. "What you want to drink?" He asked. By the time Jake was struggling to stay awake, MC came online. I heard him Chuckle at my reaction. Do grupy poszukiwawczej w Duskwood dodał jeszcze MC, którą nazywa ważnym elementem tej układanki. Kpop ~ Duskwood Warnings: None (correct me if im wrong) Only Just A Dream. Participation in such a high-profile case has only made the situation worse. So pairing - Jake X Mc. mc marcelly eu quero o seu amor pra vida. Tumblr - Are you sure you want to know? Talk to me. "Where are we going?" you asked, curious. "Anything" I said. Open . It's done. <3 . duskwood duskwood fanfiction duskwood jake x mc duskwood jake unrecognisable fanfic. "Where are we going?" you asked, curious. WouldDuskwood : Jake's POV Descendants of Despair - Part 1... Idioma Português. The Duskwood interactive detective game got released last year and is now played by more than three million users. A/N: this was kinda inspired by the song "Just A Dream." like i was just listening to it and was like, "omg, let's do a oneshot" enjoy you lovely people <333 Summary: GN!MC x Jake Oneshot. Sinopse: Imagine personagens de Duskwood 18+ (Principalmente o Jake) Jake e outros personagens não me pertence e sim a Everbyte coloquei como história original por que não tem Duskwood na categoria de jogos. First of all ("I would like to apologize if there are any English problems. But he quickly came back not two minutes later, two mugs in his hands. Warnings: None (correct me if im wrong) Only Just A Dream. Именно так я представляла эту сцену #duskwood #jake #MC #duskwood. LieschenOtaku1412 Duskwood ️ MC: But he's not. RobbyBarnes His lips looking so soft and so sweet. MC: You kept asking for my "husband's" name with a look as if you're ready to end a man's whole career — body and life included. Well… In my another blog one person ask how Jake miss MC and it turned on this. •The mortifying ordeal of being forgotten. I couldn't bear knowing you're in trouble. — Key to your heart is Jake ... Jake and MC strolled quietly through the streets of their now well-known Duskwood. Data Corrupted — Duskwood Fanfiction Masterlist duskwood jake mc # 6 Broken by Bea Duskwood 1.6K 58 3 After Hannah and Richy were rescued, Jake managed to sign a deal with the FBI that erased his past activities, removing his wanted status. Pin by duskwoodfan on Duskwood | Fan art, Jake, Dusk Open in app; . Jake [character] x [the real] player. Dawn came, but it hardly mattered in the small Duskwood cabin. Descubra vídeos populares sobre fanfic duskwood no wattpad | TikTok MC: Jake. Damnit! MC: Holy fucking shit. He must have sent you those in the meantime because you clearly saw him throwing his cell away. Open in app; Facebook; Tweet; Reddit; I have severe period pain right now and it made me think what Jake would react like when the Mc is on her period. A/N: this was kinda inspired by the song "Just A Dream." like i was just listening to it and was like, "omg, let's do a oneshot" enjoy you lovely people <333 Summary: GN!MC x Jake Oneshot. A/n: I- Hmm. However,while for MC it was a welcome discovery,for Jake it was a great concern. v: rendezvous under the twinkling starry sky. Hey! Come on, I'll show you!". Plot : MC finds Jake after traveling for three days. Just dense. Przeważnie nosiła lekki makijaż i kolczyki, a także zwiewne, casualowe ubrania. Development for Episode 8 has finally started! - LieschenOtaku1412 Ricky - Duskwood | Fan art, Anime, Favorite character You laugh. You walked hand-in-hand with Jake, your hand fitting perfectly in his. Jake x MC/Duskwood; Jake Duskwood - Character; MC Duskwood; All the gang - Character; OCs; tw; AU; Mafia AU; Duskwood AU; Summary. duskwood duskwood fanfiction duskwood jake duskwood jake x mc unrecognisable fanfic. toda fanart aqui utilizadas não são de minha autoria, dou os créditos aos respectivos criadores. She needed to say goodbye, though. You walked hand-in-hand with Jake, your hand fitting perfectly in his. Ok, so, today I'd like to share again a couple of thoughts about some interesting details I found in the photos we shared with Jake. Duskwood theories pt.5! História. Credit goes to the creators of Duskwood and owners of the pics.) Kpop ~ Duskwood richy duskwood fanfic. I don't know what I should say. Breaking the silence, Jake cleared his throat. Love, We Write, Cosmic Railway Nell (MC) came, although she knew she might not be welcome. I really hope you're all doing fine! This fanfiction takes place after Episode 7. MC: I showed you my wedding ring and you started crying. Jake | Duskwood Wiki | Fandom Ooh I love requests! Anonymous said: hey, I wanted to say that I love your Duskwood fanfics very much and read them every night before bed ️ this is my first time making a fanfiction request Jake x MC 17."Are you. : Hey! I really like your headcanons and I was... - Tumblr Open in app . (I don't own the pictures, I just made the collage. . Completed duskwoodjake fanfiction duskwoodphil +9 more # 7 You have to remember by kocie13 1.2K 47 15 duskwood m.list romance club m.list ao3. I really like your headcanons and I was wondering if you could do some for Jake and (female) Mc. Hey! "Lit Irishman Delight, for you" he said as he bowed which made me chuckle. by . The thing is MC has never been good at doing what she's told, after all nothing ever got done if you just did as you're told. "I don't speak, and for that, I bleed." Open in app; Facebook; Tweet; Reddit; Mail; Embed; My friends know I was in Duskwood, they probably called the police when I didn't contact me again. "I know we said no presents this year but…". duskwood fanfic jake. When Thomas was actually thinking about sending MC to that mine and Jake suddenly came and said: "Enough Thomas"My heart The way I screamed seriously And I LOVE DAN.He is acting like a big brother now. Cherry. I tried to imagine him several times but having him before me was so much better. I really like your headcanons and I was wondering if you could do some for Jake and (female) Mc. He trusts them and they trust him wholeheartedly. Masterlist post I just put all the posts I've done here, maybe one day when I have more fanfics I make a separate masterlist.

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duskwood jake and mc fanfiction